This semester has quickly come to an end, and along with the successful completion of the Information Systems course, the time has come for us to wrap up our blog entries as well. We hope that by reading our blog entries, you, as a reader, are able to see the degree to which we, as users of technology, have altered, if not, have at least slightly influenced, the initial aim of technologies in general. A lack of understanding of this particular issue at hand will result in a greater loss and damage to the end user.
Throughout the execution phase of this Visionary Project, we provided overviews and insightful analyses regarding privacy issues in South Korea that, with the advent of the Internet and its widespread use, have become of great importance. More than we are actually aware of, privacy issues—whether it be an individual’s, a group’s, or an organization’s—have increasingly become a concern that can no longer be left neglected. All of today’s technologies have begun with the purpose of bringing us more comfort and of easing our lives. Nowadays, however, we find ourselves entrapped in this world of technology where we are, at times, negatively impacted by what we hoped would bring us joy. Social shaping has greatly altered the uses of technology, making us the silent target and victims of this new technological era. It is not yet late to correct the issues raised with the implementation of technology. The faster we make ourselves aware of these ongoing problems, the more successful we will be with solving the issues at hand.
Being new to the world of blogs, we found several things challenging when writing our posts. Because we tried to focus on the issues pertaining to South Korea—a country known for strong technological advances in the recent years—we found ourselves spending too much time describing what the issue was, rather than providing thoughtful insights as to how we saw the issue affecting the future outlook of IS. Moreover, we digressed from our original focus of discussing such issues brought into light in South Korea. In some of the entries, although we did not stray completely off topic by continuing to mention technology-privacy issue, the discussion was too general and not focused. During our final editing process of our entire blog, we replaced those entries that did not fit in with our overall topic with those that did and edited those entries that were too information-heavy so that more of our thoughts and analyses were present.
Undoubtedly, technology will continue to exist among us and will continue to develop from its current state. It is of utmost importance that we are always on the lookout for misuses of these technologies and are able to deftly solve problems the moment they arise.
*…Dreaming of an untarnished world of technology…*